AI is everywhere. We see it on the TV, read about it on social media, and hear about its impact from world-leading experts.
But you probably ask yourself many times – what are the concrete benefits of AI for my business?
One of the key benefits is that AI technology represents a significant shift in how businesses engage with their customers. As customers’ interactions with technology become more personalized, Generative AI technology stands out as an ideal innovative tool bringing tangible support for growing businesses in various industries.
No difference is for agriculture input companies, where farmers’ loyalty to brands is paramount. Namely, in agriculture, input companies often rely heavily on personal interactions and direct visits to farmers as part of their sales and advisory process.
With the ability to create their personalized AI agronomic advisor, sales teams can have a perfect tool to engage their farmers and bring knowledge and advice through simple chat form via WhatsApp or Viber.
Here are the 3 key reasons why you should consider AI advisor as an ideal tool to support your sales team.
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1. Expanding Reach and Increase Market Share
If your sales team is looking for a way to increase their market share, then AI agronomic advisor is a great tool. It enables companies to introduce new innovative solution on the market and helps brands and companies to get attention and attract new customers.
Bringing AI advisor to the hands of farmers who are within and beyond your current reach enables your sales team to get regular touchpoints with a broader group of farms, not just the ones they can visit in person.
Namely, it allows sales teams to reach and engage all market segments, including small farms which are usually not addressed and underserved. Having the additional support of an AI advisor, helps sales teams increase and control their market share.
2. Innovative Sales Generator Tool
AI Advisor delivers tangible value to farmers with real-time and high-quality advice in their own language. It drives conversations with farmers via WhatsApp, Viber or similar apps. It is simple to use, and always available when farmers need any agronomy-related knowledge or advice.
It is well-trained with high-quality agronomy data, market data, and regulatory data and what’s best, we train it about your specific products and services. So, when an AI advisor recognizes a farmer’s interest in buying your product it involves a sales team or schedules a call for a farmer with your sales representative. It can also directly navigate farmers through purchase order workflows automating the ordering process.
3. Driving Brand Loyalty and Long-Term Relationships with Farmers
The agriculture industry is all about brand loyalty, it is important to establish long-term relationships with farmers and maintain it through the years. AI advisor enables your team to foster these relationships on a daily basis. It enables you to establish two-way communication with your customers and receive their regular feedback. Innovative in-chat tools such as questionnaires or polls also enable you to analyze their sentiment and satisfaction.
With AI Advisor you can be their true partner, it can act as a “right hand” to your sales team in maintaining brand loyalty and satisfaction. Supporting customers with premium advice and being constant in front of their eyes as the trusted advisor increases customer loyalty to your brand.
Discover AGRIVI AI Engage Platform
Increasing the percentage of farms or distributors with whom you have a relationship by finding synergies between physical and digital, can support your efforts in achieving business and sales goals through a value-added approach.
With the AGRIVI AI Engage platform, we help input companies start their journey with AI as a support for growing their business. We take the partnership approach by offering fully managed service and taking most of the effort on our side to mitigate possible lack of capacity to carry out the project on the ag input company side.
If you are looking for a way to foster stronger connections with farmers, boost their engagement, and enhance their knowledge about your products, then AGRIVI AI Engage is ideal tool. Creating your branded AI agronomic advisor enables you to bring innovative solution to the market and grow your business.
Contact our team and learn more about how you can implement AGRIVI Engage into your business.