Food for Plant Life
Plant nutrients are the basis of plant life, providing all elements necessary for growth. They come in the form of fertilizers, whether in solid or liquid state.
To ensure good and quality yield, a farmer has to provide plants nutrients during the entire crop production cycle. Only well-nourished plants will give a planned yield and more importantly, plants will be more resistant to various insect pests and diseases as well as unfavorable soil and weather conditions.
“The right amount of fertilizers given at the right time is the key to abundant and quality crop yield.”
Fertilization Plan Is a Smart Start for Achieving Higher Productivity
When talking about fertilizers, it’s very important to be moderate. The fact is, plants need fertilizers but only in a specific amount. Applying too much fertilizer will not result in higher yields. On the contrary, the yield may be much lower. To avoid this scenario, farmers have to apply fertilizers in a specifically determined amount according to the crop type and previously added fertilizers.
Before the vegetation season begins, it’s very important to plan all fertilization activities. There is a good reason why a farmer should do that. By making a plan, a farmer knows exactly when and how much fertilizer to apply to a certain crop and therefore he can budget this cost more easily.
In that part of a farmer’s job, AGRIVI farm management software is of great help. It helps farmers to plan all fertilization activities per crop and field.
Fertilization plan activities in AGRIVI farm management software
During the crop production cycle, there are several fertilization activities. By planning each one, a farmer can prepare all stocks on time, thus avoiding a delay in fertilization application which can have a great impact on the final yield. In case that a farmer rents farm machinery such as a tractor or fertilizer spreader or maybe employs additional workers for this activity, task planning helps him to prepare on time. That way he can manage everything according to plan.
“AGRIVI dashboards give farmers an overview of applied fertilizers per field and crop.“
Fertilization Dashboard for Smart Maintenance of High Productivity
By applying fertilizers, the soil is loaded with various nutrients that provide favorable conditions for plant growth. Accordingly, due to several fertilizations during the vegetation season, it’s really hard to track the total amount of soil reserve nutrients. This greatly reflects when making a fertilization plan for the next season.
Luckily, AGRIVI software offers farmers a great tool that facilitates analysis of applied nutrients. Field analysis gives them an overview not only of all applied fertilizers but also of all nutrients from the fertilizers.
So, wondering how you can track that? Every time you are using some kind of fertilizer, simply register that usage in AGRIVI fertilization task. You can see the total amount of applied fertilizers per field and crop at any moment in the Field analysis dashboard.
AGRIVI farm management software gives farmers an overview of applied nutrients per crop and field
However, the powerful AGRIVI dashboard gives farmers a deep insight into nutrients reserves. It shows them the total amount of all applied nutrients per crop and field as well.
“AGRIVI enables farmers to track total applied nitrogen (N) per ha from all applied fertilizer types.“
Track total applied nitrogen per ha in AGRIVI farm management software
That way, a farmer can clearly see how much fertilizer was applied to fields and what is more important, did they cross the limit of applied nitrogen (N) per ha. Because it’s well known that farmers have to manage their production according to farm legislation and AGRIVI software is here to help them manage their crop production as easier as possible.
Farming is an activity full of planning and managing while expecting the best outcome. Get all your farm details from one central place.