Humans account for only 0.01% of all life on Earth, yet our impact on the planet is profound. Though unintentional, human activities like transportation, manufacturing, and agriculture generate environmental pollution – a catch-all term that describes various types of introduced contaminants which can disrupt ecosystems, natural processes, and biological life.
From air pollution to water pollution, climate change to smog, understanding the consequences of our actions is the first step in managing environmental issues.
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What Is Environmental Pollution?
The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) defines pollution as “any substances in water, soil, or air that degrades the natural quality of the environment; offends [the senses]; causes a health hazard; or [impairs] the usefulness of natural resources.”
Put simply, pollution is any substance that causes harm upon entering the environment.
There are many ways to classify pollution, but one common framework distinguishes “point source” – or pollution that comes from a single identifiable source – from “non-point source,” which is trickier to pin down.
Smokestacks from power plants emit carbon dioxide and particulate matter. Leakage from gasoline storage tanks. Discharge pipes at a wastewater treatment plant. A drainage ditch on a feedlot that seeps into groundwater – These are all examples of point-source pollution.
Nonpoint-source pollution, by contrast, is wider spread, originating from many sources spanning large areas. For example, agricultural runoff containing fertilizers, pesticides, and particulate matter from thousands of acres of farmland is considered a non-point source. Urban and suburban runoff containing oil, grease, pet waste and other hazardous materials is also non-point source pollution.
That said, there are many types of pollution that cause a wide range of environmental problems. The list that follows offers a glimpse into several of these types.
7 Types of Pollution and Their Causes
The main causes of environmental pollution include urbanization and industrialization, agricultural activities, mining, burning of fossil fuels, plastic and particulate matter. These all contribute to the following:
Air pollution
Air pollution is caused by harmful gases and aerosols (solids and liquids suspended in the air) that are released through both natural processes and human activities. Wildfires and volcanoes, for example, release particulate matter and greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. A majority of air pollution, however, is generated by human activities, including the burning of fossil fuels like coal, natural gas, and oil for electricity, transportation, and industry.
Common air pollutants include:
- Particulate matter (dust, dirt, soot, smoke, etc.)
- Direct greenhouse gases such as methane (CH4), carbon dioxide (CO2), and nitrous oxide (CH4), trap heat in the atmosphere and contribute to climate change.
- Indirect greenhouse gases such as carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs), are released during the burning of fossil fuels and biomass (e.g. wood). These compounds chemically react in the atmosphere to form more dangerous substances that intensify climate change and harm human health.
Managing air pollutants is possible. For example, a 1987 ban on CFCs (a common pollutant used in refrigeration) averted the destruction of the ozone layer, which is crucial in protecting the earth from UV rays and global warming.
Similarly, since the establishment of the Clean Air Act and other laws, stricter regulations have limited emissions and improved air quality in developed countries such as the United States.
The outsourcing of industry to developing countries, however, has consequently resulted in the outsourcing of pollution, with the world’s top economies still responsible for millions of pollution deaths in poorer countries.
Water pollution
Water is an important natural resource that is crucial to all life on earth, though only .5% of earth’s water is fresh, accessible, and drinkable.
Water pollution in the form of microbial pathogens, nutrients, and hazardous substances contaminates both freshwater and saltwater ecosystems, harming aquatic life and public health.
One notable example of water pollution is nonpoint-source agricultural pollution. After intense rain events, agricultural fertilizers, pesticides, and particulate matter from eroded soil can enter streams, rivers, lakes, bays and even oceans. From here, excess concentrations of nutrients like phosphorous and nitrogen spur the growth of algal blooms, which deplete the water of oxygen in a process known as eutrophication. The resulting “fish kills,” “dead zones,” and drinking water crises are common throughout the United States, from the Great Lakes to the Gulf of Mexico. Agricultural practices that build soil health and minimize synthetic inputs can actually reduce water pollution.
In addition to agricultural runoff, other sources of water pollution include:
- Industrial waste may include organic compounds, heavy metals, nutrients or radioactive material.
- Marine dumping (when garbage and other waste products are dumped into the ocean)
- Solid wastes, wastewater, and sewage that escape outdated treatment plants pose a threat to human health and aquatic ecosystems, introducing hazardous compounds and pathogens into waterways.
- Oil leaks and oil spills are high-profile examples of water pollution.
Greenhouse gases can actually affect water quality. The ocean, for example, is a “carbon sink,” meaning it absorbs CO2 from the atmosphere. This actually acidifies the ocean, making it inhospitable for certain creatures.
Although water pollution is serious business, it is not without solutions. New efforts focused on sensitive watersheds aim to limit agricultural pollution through nutrient load limits and waste management incentives, while laws like the Clean Water Act regulate industrial waste in developed countries.
Local and national efforts to restore wetlands are underway in many places, which recognize the importance of wetlands in mitigating the effects of pollution. Wetlands not only trap sediments and particulate matter, filtering harmful nutrients and chemicals, but also support a wealth of biodiversity.
Plastic pollution
Of the 380 million tons of plastic produced per year, some 31 million tons will enter the environment and around 8 million will enter the ocean.
As they degrade in the environment, plastic bottles and plastic waste becomes “microplastics,” small particles of plastic that find their way into food chains, soil, rain, snow – even our lungs – in high levels. A recent study demonstrates that people ingest around a credit card’s worth of microplastics every week, with yet unknown health effects.
Some scientists speculate chemical toxicity from microplastics might affect pregnancy or cause cancer. Others fear “nano-plastics” – plastic particles even smaller still – may enter cells and disrupt cellular activity. Mitigation efforts such as re-cycling only go so far; for example, much of the plastic that is “re-cycled” is not, in fact, recycled, instead of shipped to developing countries where it re-enters the environment.
Soil contamination
Contaminated soils are common throughout the industrialized world, with the most common pollutants including agrochemicals, petrochemicals, microplastics, acid rain, and industrial waste.
In some cases, soils are polluted through agricultural practices, including the application of pesticides, fertilizers, and irrigation water that contain microbial pathogens, heavy metals like cadmium, lead, mercury and arsenic, and other bio-toxic substances. While some pesticides and herbicides degrade readily, other agrochemicals are “persistent,” meaning the agrochemical and its byproducts linger in the soil, sometimes up to 10 years.
Other sources of contaminated soil include industrial waste. These may be known as “brownfields” — areas that require remediation before they are suitable for human use.
When contaminated soil comes in direct contact with humans and wildlife via food or dust, or indirectly by seeping into drinking water, a number of negative health effects may result depending on the contaminant, concentration, and exposure.
Noise pollution and light pollution
Seemingly harmless compared to plastic, water, and air pollution, noise and light pollution can damage ecosystems. Often associated with urbanization, noise pollution is defined by the EPA as “unwanted or disturbing sound” and light pollution as “excessive brightness that causes discomfort.” Both noise and light pollution can harm human health and wildlife, affecting sleep, decreasing fitness, and altering behavior.
Radioactive contamination
When thinking about radioactive contamination, Fukushima or Chernobyl may come to mind. However, radioactive contamination is more widespread than these isolated incidents, with possibly 45,000 sites contaminated with radioactive materials across the US, according to the EPA.
Radioactive contaminants are generated by uranium mines, nuclear reactors, and test laboratories, where they can enter the environment.
For example, uranium mining can release radiation into the soil, at which point rain washes this material into drinking water. In fact, up to 170 million Americans drink tap water contaminated with radioactive materials. High levels of exposure to these materials can cause cancer, reproductive dysfunction, and myriad other health effects.
Electromagnetic pollution
Much of the technology we use today — from our cell phones to our laptops to the wi-fi that connects them — generates an electromagnetic field. At certain frequencies and exposure levels, this energy can be considered toxic (for example, strong fields have been shown to cause burns). That being said, the jury’s still out on whether our current exposure to electromagnetic energy is detrimental to human health and wildlife.
You can visit for a more complete list of the types of pollution and their consequences, as well as other environmental science resources.
Environmental Pollution and Farming
From pesticides to fertilizer runoff, from greenhouse gas emissions to harmful particulates, the by-products of modern agriculture can have unintended consequences for ecosystems and human health.
As mentioned, agriculture can be a source of non-point source water pollution, causing algal blooms, but can also contribute to air pollution, soil pollution, noise pollution, and even plastic pollution. Several causes of agricultural pollution include:
Particulate matter erodes from farm fields and enters waterways as runoff, causing sedimentation (i.e. the clouding of water) and subsequent harm to aquatic ecosystems. Agrochemicals such as pesticides that contaminate soil, directly damaging above- and below-ground ecosystems.
The manufacturing of agrochemicals — especially synthetic nitrogen — is a large contributor to greenhouse gas emissions. Agricultural plastics used for weed control, representing over 12 million tons annually, are often not disposed of properly. In many cases, these plastics find their way into ecosystems and soil as microplastics.
Although agricultural pollution is grave, the issue is not without solutions. You can learn more about agricultural pollution, as well as how to minimize your farm’s environmental footprint, here.
Farm Management Software in Service of Sustainability
The global landscape is changing, and so are the demands placed on agriculture. As the world’s population continues to grow, the pressure on our agricultural systems to produce more food, while simultaneously reducing their environmental footprint, has never been greater. Farmers are central to the sustainability transition, and they need the support of digital solutions that will help them overcome the challenges they are facing, as well as improve their agriculture practices toward more sustainable and regenerative forms.
Farm management software systems (FMS) such as AGRIVI Farm Enterprise are particularly promising because they can equip farmers with data and information needed to evaluate and manage how they utilize large value pools, including inputs such as fertilizers, seeds, and pesticides, machinery, labor, or finance. It also allows farmers to efficiently manage their operations while simultaneously focusing on sustainability.
The impact of FMS on sustainability is not just theoretical—it’s tangible. Farms that have adopted AGRIVI report significant reductions in resource consumption and environmental impact.
Through real-time data and analytics, AGRIVI assists farmers in optimizing resource use, minimizing the environmental footprint, and calculating precise quantities of inputs like fertilizers and water. This reduces resource consumption, benefiting both the environment and the farm’s bottom line.
AGRIVI offers data-driven decision-making capabilities, enabling informed choices on planting, irrigation, and pest control. By optimizing operations, it also optimizes the use of machinery in terms of lowering fuel consumption and consequently greenhouse gas emissions. It monitors environmental factors like soil health, weather, and crop performance, allowing farmers to adapt practices in real-time, leading to enhanced yields and crop resilience. With its data-driven guidance, it also supports farmers to perform sustainable practices such as crop rotation and reduced tillage, enhancing soil health and water retention, and ultimately reducing environmental harm.
Sustainable agriculture is not a choice but an imperative. As the world struggles with issues related to food security and environmental concerns, leveraging technology like farm management software provides optimism. It empowers farmers to make data-driven decisions that benefit both their bottom line and the planet.