Digital agriculture is the only way how one can in a short time, even in the first two years of implementation, increase the competitiveness of agricultural production. Most other solutions for the improvement of farming productivity give results in long term, often taking over 10 years to see the full effects. Experience shows that farmers increase their profitability from 50 up to 100% already in the first two years of using digital agriculture solutions. Higher earnings supported by digitalization make agriculture more attractive and provide the best motivation for the new generation of farmers to take over the family business and expand their farms.
Digitization Prevents Triple Losses on Farms
Digital solutions bring great benefits to farmers, as a help to avoid the triple loss a farmer has during the year. The first loss farmers experience is while planning the production. Without precise data on soil quality and actual crop needs, it is impossible to optimally calculate the necessary inputs for the season. Many studies have proven, and we have confirmed with thousands of farmers who are using our software for managing farm production, that digitalization and precision agriculture reduce losses on fertilizers, crop protection, and other inputs in production even up to 30 percent.
The second loss happens is during the season, mostly caused by the wrong judgment of farmers when to apply agricultural practices. Late crop protection against pests and diseases is accountable for even 20 to 40 percent yield losses every year and this is just one factor that impacts the yields. Digital solutions help farmers to make timely decisions based on facts and the real-time situation in fields. For example, AGRIVI software continuously monitors weather conditions on fields and alerts farmers if there is a risk of bad weather or pests and diseases.
Food Traceability
The third loss farmers experience is while selling the product when the price for their crops depends on actual quality and ability to guarantee food safety. The demand to prove the traceability of food is growing, both from consumers and retailers that buy directly from farmers. Farmers need to showcase each product when and where it was planted, how it was treated, and its nutritive value. Without the digitization of each stage of production, it is impossible to show this information transparently.
The experience of farmers is present. Digitization removes triple losses in farming production, gives measurable results, and helps farmers make more profit and secure a better life. Implementation of digital solutions is not hard, farmers can start to use them fast no matter the size of their production. AGRIVI farm management software is available on computers and smart mobile phones and it is easy to use. The only habit farmers need is the discipline to regularly enter data and everything else is provided by the platform – from information, the suggestion to warning alarms. The motivation is simple, 50 to 100% more profit in the pocket of farmers.
Digital Agriculture
AGRIVI software is one of the global leading farm management solutions worldwide used by farmers in over 100 countries. Farmers worldwide use AGRIVI software in the local language and AGRIVI team supports farmers in improving their farm profitability with AGRIVI solutions.
Starting with AGRIVI software is simple – farmers just need to GET a DEMO via AGRIVI website, enter their fields and real-time insights from their fields will be visible daily.