Pre-planting Process
Pre-planting activities involve choosing the right variety to get a good crop that has high yield potential and a good market price, planning of all field activities in advance, and preparing the field for planting. In all steps in farming process, farmers can use AGRIVI farm system which helps them plan in advance all field activities so the farmer know exactly what to do and when and to have enough time to prepare all farm materials (pesticides, fertilizers, fuel, seeds, workers, machinery etc.) and to plan the production cost. Executing of each activity of land preparation (plowing, disking, rolling) farmers can also record into the system in the form of tasks; they can enter spent work hours of workers and machinery for a certain activity, and a related cost for both work.
Executing of each activity of land preparation (plowing, disking, rolling) farmers can also record into the system in the form of tasks; they can enter spent work hours of workers and machinery for a certain activity, and a related cost for both work.
Registering of spent work hours of workers and machinery, used for soil disking activity, in AGRIVI system
No matter which practice is used for land preparation, zero-tillage, minimum tillage which minimizes soil disturbance through or a totally tillage soil which may destroy soil structure, land preparation is important to ensure that the field is ready for planting. A well-prepared land controls weeds, recycles plant nutrients, and provides a soft soil mass for transplanting and a suitable soil surface for direct seeding.
Important management factors should be considered also during the growth of a certain crop. These include planting method, watering, fertilizing, weeding, and other maintenance measures which farmers can also record into AGRIVI system, into tasks. Every usage of water, fertilizer, pesticide or some other material farmer can record per field, crop and a season.
Choosing when to plant is crucial to establishing the crop in the field. Timely planting into a well-prepared seedbed will help produce a fast growing, uniform crop that will have higher yields and better competition against weeds and other pests. The best time to plant depends on locality, variety, weather conditions, water availability, and the harvest time.
Water is a very limiting factor in crop production, especially in areas with a low amount of rainfall. Plants need the most water at the time of flowering and fruit development. Good water management practices are critical to maximizing water efficiency and yield, as well as nutrients applying which is essential in managing soil fertility so that plants can grow and develop normally.
Registering of planting and pesticide usage in AGRIVI system
Weed control during land preparation is crucial to reduce the amount of weed pressure in the field. Weeds can affect yield loss the most during the first month after sowing or transplanting. Specifically, weeds:
- Decrease yields by direct competition for sunlight, nutrients, and water
- Increase production costs e.g., higher labor or input costs
- Reduce fruit quality and price.
Due to late or no treatment of weeds, insect pests and diseases, farmers lose 20-40 % of their crop every year. In addition to good crop management, timely and accurate diagnosis can significantly reduce losses. AGRIVI farm management system helps farmers in crop protection also; it alarms them about possible pest attack on a certain field and crop, according to weather conditions for next 7 days on a certain field.
List of possible pest alarms in AGRIVI system
Post Production
Harvesting is the process of collecting the mature crop from the field during which is important to apply good harvesting methods to be able to maximize crop yield, and minimize fruit damage. After harvesting, aiming to ensure good eating quality and marketability, crops undergo postharvest processes including drying, milling, storage, etc. which can be also recorded in AGRIVI system. It allows farmers to register harvesting for each crop they grow and even each variety, per field and select a place for storage (warehouse).
Registering of apple harvesting in AGRIVI farm management system
You don’t need to spent time searching for the best farming practice to boost your farm production. Make farming look easy, use AGRIVI system.